Al- Ahsan Development Foundation Nepal

Break the Hunger


Join us today and break the hunger by providing impoverished families around the world with access to nutritious food that can save their lives. A simple donation of 50$ can provide a family of five with a family food pack containing enough essential food items to last them for an entire month. For 40$ you can help us break the hunger of 50 vulnerable people with hot, nutritious meals

When we provide food to families, we don’t simply fill their stomachs, but we build their spirits and grant them the time to focus on progressing. With food at home, more people can work, study and truly thrive.

How we are changing Life

Donate Now

Your donation could provide a
Winter Projects
One Off
Your donation could provide a
Winter Project
One Off
Your donation could provide a
Water Hand Pump
One Off
Your donation could provide a
Deep Water Well
One Off
Your donation could provide a
Electric Water Well
One Off
Your donation could provide a
Artesian Well with Taps
One Off